GenerativeComponents Help

Load External Assembly

Used to import and remove a generated node type through Add-ins dialog, share node types across workgroup and clean up nodes that are obsolete.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: Computational Design > Model > Node Types > Add-Ins
  • Toolbox - Manage Node Types

The managing node option allows you to import and store or remove a generated node type. It enables you to share node types across teams and to clean up the node types if previously generated node types are no longer needed.

The Add-ins dialog helps you load Project add-ins as well as Bentley Product add-ins and set an assembly file to be stored under current design file or share it across by storing it in GC environment. An assembly is a *.dll file that can have one or more node types defined in it.
Your Project Add-ins Opens the folder location of project assemblies where you can select assembly that needs to be loaded in the application. These assemblies ( .DLL files) are those are generated using the ( Generate Node Type).
Bentley Product Add-ins Opens the folder location of Bentley product assemblies supplied with the application. These ( .DLL files) reside in the ..\GenerativeComponents\Assemblies folder location are loaded once the GenerativeComponents is started.
Assemblies Currently Loaded Lists the assemblies loaded in the session. These include both Project and Product assemblies. Each file can be marked to store within current design file and/or share the node types across workgroup.
  • Assembly File – Indicate the name of the assembly file. This is also prefixed with the namespace, if any assigned to it.
  • Store in Current Design File – When checked, the loaded assembly attributes scope within the current design file.
  • Store in Your GC Environment – When checked, the loaded assembly attributes scope across GenerativeComponents application.
Close Saves the loaded assembly information and closes the dialog.